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Today were talking all about decluttering your closet, because I know we’re all in need of it!
It isn’t a cliché to have a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear for no reason. I know I’m not the only one guilty of having a packed full closet, and yet feeling like I can never piece together an actual outfit I like.
I might be able to give my closet a quick scan and feel like I have a great collection, but when it comes time to get dressed in the morning I’m left exasperated, storming out and picking up the same tee shirt off the laundry chair that I wear every week.
Need help organizing too, read more here – 12 Genius Closet Organizing Ideas To Make The Most Of Your Space!
I’ve come to the point in my life where I would much rather have a closet with 10 pieces I absolutely love, rather than 100 pieces I never want to wear, only useful to take up space and make my closet look full. Quality over quantity. I want less crap.
I want to fill not just my closet, but my home with only the good stuff. No more filler. So I’m starting with the area with the most overflow. Clothes.
Aside from wanting to declutter, I have a move coming up. With that I realized I’d like to move as little as possible, so I need to get rid of a lot of stuff.
It feels like I have so much to get rid of, yet when I stand in front of my closet to start the purging process, I find myself unable to actually pick off items to be donated or sold. So, I needed to toughen myself up and make some rules for getting rid of stuff.
1. Anything with holes or stains you can’t get out
You’re not going to feel that great about yourself wearing clothes that are tattered up or stained. Do you even wear them out? They’re basically waiting in your closet for you to toss them.
Side note – if this is an item you LOVE but it has a stain you can’t get out, highly recommend trying this stain remover. I didn’t realize anyone could feel *this* passionately about a stain remover of all things (is that how I know I’m an adult…?) but I swear this has gotten out literally every single stain I’ve tried it on, even set in ones. It’s a miracle working stain remover, and super affordable too!
2. Clothes with flaws you plan on fixing (but never do)
Maybe they were a past favorite, or just a regular item in rotation, but if it’s been months and you haven’t taken the time to fix it, or even missed it? Toss.
3. Clothes you were gifted but never wear
Gifts can be harder because you feel guilty about giving them away. But, they were meant to be enjoyed, so if they’re just sitting there, you’re definitely not getting enjoyment out of them. Plus, do you think the person would really care if you were to give it away? Doubtful.
4. Old tees you hang onto for memories
I have narrowed down my stack of my memory tee shirts to about 2 stacks that fit in a drawer, and I’d like to narrow it down even more.
How would you actually feel if it was gone, because I bet you wouldn’t miss it at all. It’s not like if you get rid of the shirt you get rid of the memories.
Don’t think you need to get rid of every single casual tee you have, but there are at least a few that don’t ever get worn or have a few too many holes.
5. Socks, underwear, bras in need of replacement
Holes and stains apply here for sure. And any that you’ve had for years probably could be in need of replacing. C’mon. Treat yourself, girl.
These are my go-to socks I repurchase whenever mine have gotten a few too many holes and need to be replaced. This is where I shop for underwear since they are affordable and comfortable. These are my favorite everyday bralettes, and these are my fave lacy bralettes!
6. Anything that hasn’t been worn in over 6 months
This can be where it gets difficult. I think a lot of people end up with a closet full of clothes they like, but few they actually want to wear. I know you might think that pretty tank you bought a year ago you’ll get around to wearing someday, but if you haven’t already, do you really think you’re going to?
I’m sure there are going to be some leftover pieces you find yourself keeping. Okay, fine. But move them to a place in your closet where you will see them. And if another month goes by and you still haven’t reached for any of them, maybe it’s time to reconsider the donate bin.
7. Clothes that are too big or small
Maybe you’ve outgrown them, or lost weight. Maybe you buy clothing too small in hopes you will lose weight. Either way, you can’t wear them, and they just take up space. They don’t add any value to how you feel about yourself, so send them on their way to the get rid of pile.
If you need a few replacement pieces that do fit, Prime Wardrobe has been my go to recently for figuring out what to add into my closet. It’s free with a Prime membership! You can pick out up to 8 items, try them on at home, and you only pay for what you keep (and ship back the rest with their prepaid label). Super easy! Great way to see what will go well with the rest of your closet too. Here is my recent Prime Wardrobe Try On!
8. Clothes that make you uncomfortable
Maybe they fit you, but they’re scratchy, or too revealing, or hug places you’d rather them not hug, or whatever it may be, there is some negative quality to them that means you never reach for them. Get rid of!
Now, I’m not saying go ahead and throw out everything in your closet. Just trying to help you keep the really good stuff, that you’re excited to wear, and ditch the closet filler that hides your favorite pieces.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas of where to start! Happy decluttering!
Don’t forget to check out 12 Genius Closet Organizing Ideas To Make The Most Of Your Space!
Nice blog post, very clean and understandable ?? loved it ??
Aw love this so much! Very often there is a piece of clothing there that you utterly in love with but it doesn’t make you feel good wearing it haha, it’s kind of just a collectors item 😀 I’m trying to break free and sell some of my fave pieces, even if it’s really hard to let go! Love your blog! xx
elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
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I just read this and IMMEDIATELY after started cleaning my closet. I feel so brand new now! I needed to see this and it’s funny when I was reading it I was like “wow this pertains a lot to me…..”
Thanks for helping me clean my closet!
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I’m in the exact same boat! I’m moving in January and it makes total sense to reduce the filler youre just carting some place new. Great post, definitely inspired me to cut back even more! X
These are such good tips. My wardrobe is full of items that I’m hanging onto just in case but I really do need to get rid of them! Thank you for sharing such a useful tick list, I’m going to print it off and use it in the New Year 🙂 x
Lisa |
It’s so hard to part with items sometimes! I’m so glad I could help 🙂
I have so many gifted items of clothing that I will never wear, but haven’t managed to take out of my wardrobe. I definitely just need to give them away now.
Aleeha xXx
Yeah do it! They are just taking up valuable closet space!
These are amazing tips. I have so much stuff in my wardrobe which i never wear! And I know I do not wear them which is probably the annoying part.
I have to be “in the mood” to get rid of my clothes.. oh gosh ?
I know, it’s SO hard!! I’m trying to be better about it. So sick of the clutter!
This is basically my entire wardrobe!
hahhaha same here! I go through waves where I get rid of stuff, but there’s still plenty more I could ditch.
This was so helpful! I have the hardest time getting rid of gifted clothes, but they really do just take up space!
Exactly! They can be so hard to part with though, I totally understand!
Thanks for sharing! I would add that it is helpful to go through clothes after certain life transitions- high school, college, motherhood. Those are times when the wardrobe can be re-assessed.
Absolutely, that’s a great tip!!
Hey I an in the same state. Closets overflowing and still nothing to wear. I have been trying to ruthlessly unburden the closets and you have shown me the right direction.
So glad to help! Just have to take it one step at a time 🙂
Great tips on how to get rid of that closet clutter. I struggled for a long time getting rid of a few pieces that I rarely or never wore, but once I did get rid of them, I felt so much better and had gained lots of closet space. Now I try to go through my closet and drawers every six months, in spring and fall, to make sure everything is in good shape and that I actually will wear them.
Exactly! It can be so hard, but once you actually get rid of them, you realize you don’t miss them as much as you thought. That’s a great idea, I need to go through my closet more regularly!
I meed to decluter my master bedroom closet
Good luck! I hope this list gives you a good idea of where to start!
Great oost! By way of example, when I left the world of finance, I also left the life of 3 1/2″ heels behind. The clutter-busting conversation went like this :
“I love these shoes!” ( Me)
Reality speaks: “but you won’t wear them.”
Me: But I love them!
Reality: But you won’t wear them. ”
Reality finally wins and I donate 17 pairs.
Thanks for reading, Wendy! Totally hear you. Those items you love but know you’ll never wear again are some of the toughest to part with for sure! But way to create that extra closet space and get those shoes donated!! I’m sure your feet thank you for it 😉
Thanks for all your tips! I’ve been doing this for many years. I loose weight, I give my clothes to Salvation Army. I gain weight I go to Goodwill & buy what’s needed. I’ve even taught my son about Goodwill & Salvation Army. Not only do I declutter my closet but my kitchen & my Holiday bins as the years go by. You’ve obviously been decluttering for years, KUDDOS to you!!
Thanks, grace T. Wyman
Thank you for reading, Grace!! And for your kind words. You clearly have a solid decluttering plan going!
I have a suggestion. When I change out of season clothes I turn my hangers backwards and at the end of the season I know which clothes I have not worn.
SUCH a good tip!! Thanks for sharing that, Loretta!
Although this post is a few years old, I just discovered these wonderful words of wisdom. Another declutter idea that works well for me both personally and professionally, is to move everything out of the space. Then each piece must earn its way back in. This method follows Lean 5-S popularized by Toyota. It works. ;o)
Ooooh, I LOVE this tip, Karole. Thank you so much for sharing it!!